

Tad Gold (2011-13 Endicott) Drafted 2014 35th Round Orioles (First ever MVRHS Graduate to be drafted by a MLB team)

Nick Sell (2013 - Seton Hill) Signed 2015 Los Angeles Dodgers

Donnie Cimino (2013 - Wesleyan) Drafted 2015 37th round Philadelphia Phillies

Ryan Uhl (2013 - IUP) Drafted 2015 7th round Seatle Mariners

Domenic DeRenzo (2015 - Oklahoma) Drafted 2015 40th Round Chicago Cubs

Dylan Tice (2012 -13 IUP) Drafted 2015 36th Round St. Louis Cardinals

Nick Fuller (2014 - UMASS Dartmouth) Signed 2015 Florida Marlins

Austin DeCarr (2014 - Clemson) Drafted 2014 3rd Round New York Yankees

Donovan Casey - 2017 Drafted by Dodgers

Ricky Syrum - 2017 Drafted By Yankees

Luke Bonfield (2014 - Arkansas) Drafted 2014 21st Round Chicago Cubs

Eric Brenk (2012-13 Wofford) Signed 2014 Bonn Capitals, Germany

Will Toffey (2014 - Vanderbilt) Drafted 2014 23 round New York Yankees